Now to get down and dirty...Caribbean Style!

So you will recall the gross pool and construction shot...We've since heard that the Texas family who built on the adjacent lot has moved in which hopefully means the construction team cleaned up the little shack and break area as promised...
I promise there's an ocean behind there!

So with a little photoshop help we cleaned up the view a bit (although I'm pretty sure the living fence and a couple trees may have to stay) we end up with this:

Voila!  The ocean...granted not so up-close...but that's what view our little casa has!
Much better and with some landscaping we should be able to obscure the house more from our view. Not to mention improve our own with lots of palm tress and flowering scrubs.  I really never aspired to be a gardener, but I love looking at tropical blooms, so I feel inspired!

We've also learned that the neighboring family has no pool...which might present an opportunity, if they would like to use our pool in exchange for maintaining it??  Can't hurt to ask.  We won't be able to use it except during the 4 or 5 weeks a year when we vacation here...might as well see!

There is a view of the ocean to the north...but further away

Thomas left for DR yesterday and we have been Whatsapp'ing all day trying to get him the funds to use to buy some appliances for the house.

I'm seriously jealous that he gets to be there for over two weeks! (He IS actually rewiring, installing tankless water-heater, getting fixtures working,etc...but he's there!  And it's snowing here! ACK!)

So for our next installment, I'll discuss wire transfers to the DR and appliance/furniture buying...

This is a picture of what the pool looks like today!  Much nicer...

Thomas is currently spending the weekend trying to figure out why the house's cistern pump has stopped working.  Probably means we need to buy a new one...but, that's not unexpected.  Hopefully, I will have some time soon to run down ALL of the exciting things we encountered over the two weeks in December when Thomas purchased the necessary appliances and we tested a international delivery company (CPS) based out of Sosua in order to get some odds and ends stuff.  So far nothing has gone completely 'right', but nothing has really gone completely 'wrong' either.


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