Murphy's Law

Whatever CAN happen WILL happen- Some Guy Named Murphy

Or is it -  Anything that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong?

Whichever it is I kind of felt like I was in a Murphy's Law Unluck-Loop.  So after the car accident and the hours sitting in the rain waiting for a police officer and then a tow truck.  (Total side-note: a Volt is a very cool car, but it doesn't always know what's going on...two miles after the fender bender it just stopped if it was clueless that it had been in an accident until 5 minutes after leaving the scene of said accident...)  I made it to school for second hour which was good because I had been planning for weeks to pair my German class with a colleague's graphics class to do some cross-curricular lessons, blah blah...BUT, after having to take a half day to deal with car issues and arriving technically only an hour late to meet my students in the graphics lab the whole school lost power. LOL!

Wednesday was a blur of Uber-rides and hitchhiking with a colleague back home after the power outage was deemed prolonged...and back to the building when they decided to go ahead with conferences anyway...cut to many many conferences with parents about 36 mini-meetings in a row...and back home hop in my stepson's car to retrieve my daughter who's play-date was with a soccer teammate whose mother never responds to texts and whose address I had never gotten...

Eventually, I had my daughter safe and sound back at home and I could check in with my husband in Cabrera...who had been having an adventure of his own flying into Santiago at 3 AM and picking up a rental car and having no clue where to go...but that's a whole 'nother topic for later! :-)

It seems there were no sim-cards to be purchased at the airport, so Thomas picked one up closer to his destination in Cabrera and briefly informed me that THAT drive is not something he would choose to repeat...again, details later...  He had contacted his hostess at the North Coast Sport Fishing B & B we had decided to try. And was cleaned from his travels and snoozing poolside until his appointment with Sebastian at the house.

note the water line running across our property
The first two noticeable differences in the house from when we first checked it out at the end of July was:  1) Our water line had been high-jacked by the construction site next door!  And 2) The toilets too!

I totally get it!  All that concrete needs to be mixed with water and a brand new lot doesn't have power or water or electricity...but, there's a little house right next door with these things...and two toilets to boot!

Turns out since we hadn't signed yet...all bets were off and proximity was 9/10 of the law! It was pretty clear that Sebastian had allowed this, there was no way they could have gotten the toilets without a key. Oh yeah, the power line had been disconnected too.  LOL!  So for my second 12 hour day I did have a bit of good luck.  For some reason I had only 6 parents come to see me for conferences which was a bit of divine intervention seeing that I had to spend the entire time sending files and corrections back and forth via my Ipad... (continued on next post)


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