WOO HOO! ...Now what?!
We have an accepted offer, people! YES!...okay...it ain't over 'til it's over, Rene.... So, we've hashed out the details of our Caribbean property purchase. And in the process of figuring out the steps I've learned a great deal...which we know is a scary supposition...I KNOW there's plenty more I don't know, and what you don't know is always what gets ya! Now we are waiting on our funds to come in. We decided to refinance a rental property that was nearly paid off. It means that property will not be providing a 100% free and clear income, but it worked out to about $150 more per month in payment which equals about $400 in income instead of $550. But, that property is very stable to rent, and it means no out of pocket expenses to put the down payment on the DR property. Then we'll make monthly payments until another one of our properties sell next summer, and we are confident it will sell quickly. But, there are a lot of if's...